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Always Connected to What Matters Most

About Wheresfamily

Constantly worried about being able to check on family members that can't use modern cellphones ?

Wheresfamily was created to solve this problem!

Checking on the elderly or very young family members can be a true challenge! Today's mobile devices are very complex mini-computers that are not suitable for everyone in your family.

At Wheresfamily we develop technology to allow you to always stay connected with all your family members to whom using modern smartphones may be challenging. Also this same technology may be used in different situations such as helping prevent theft of a car, motorcycle, laptop and other valuable assets of your family owns.

Wheresfamily PinPoint

A tiny GPS Locator and Simplified Cellphone anyone, regardless of age, can use! This practical little device not only allows the user to establish phone calls with a single button click, but it is also a tracking device.

It is a perfect gift for elderly or young family members to whom using a smartphone may be challenging. It's also the perfect anti-theft solution for valuable assets.